It was old school so besides the USB connection to the computer, it needed a wall connection and a transformer.
I set it all up and switched it on and... it's dead, Jim. So, I decided to see if I could take it apart and get the drive out so I could hook it up to another computer to test it. You can see the itsy bitsy screws holding the cover on so I need some special tools.
You do have a set like this, right? I removed the top cover.
You can see the drive and the custom board it is attached to. It is just a standard drive so I will attempt to remove it from the case. I flipped it over and removed the other two screws.
The drive is held in the case with 4 more screws. I removed them, turned the case over, disconnected the yellow custom cable and, with a small set of vice grips, removed the power connector.
I then put the case back together and added it to my electronics recycling box.
I will test the bare drive later in one of my PCs on the bench.